
Pest Control Tips for Families and Business Owners

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Pest Control Tips for Families and Business Owners

Hello and welcome to my anti-pest blog. Hi, my name is Corrie. I live in an old home in the middle of nowhere. Due to the gaps in my home and the fact that we are virtually surrounded by nature, all kinds of pests have gotten into my home over the years. In addition to the usual suspects such as cockroaches, ants, termites and mice, we have also seen feral bees and small marsupials get into our home. Through trial and error and the occasional help of a professional pest removal specialist, we have learned a wealth of information about pest removal. Explore this blog and learn through my experiences. I think you will enjoy reading, but most of all, you will enjoy your pest-free house.


5 Pest Control Tips for Preppers

Are you preparing for the potential breakdown of society due to any doomsday scenario? If so, you've got to think about pest control. An oft quoted sentiment claims only the cockroaches will survive. However, if you're there with them, you need to know how to protect yourself from them as well as the other pests that may be abundant.

If you are a prepper, here are five pest control tips and ideas to consider:

1. Buy a non-petrol mower

If you have long grass around your home, it gives pests a place to hide and makes it easier for termites, wasps, ants and other creatures to access your home. If a doomsday type of scenario takes place, you eventually won't be able to clear your grass with your petrol or electric-powered mowers.

Instead, you need something that doesn't require petrol. Invest in a mechanical push reel mower, or just forget about mowing and buy a few machetes to clear brush away from the house.

2. Seal your house and stockpile screen

Regardless of how often you mow, if you have lots of holes or gaps in your home, the pests can enter it. Whether you are a prepper or not, having a well sealed home helps to prevent bugs from getting in. As a precautionary measure, make sure your home is sealed—look for cracks in the foundation, gaps between doors and windows and their frames, and mouse holes. Then, hire someone to seal them.

However, also stockpile a few things so you can seal your house as needed in a doomsday scenario. Ideally, you should store a few rolls of thick metal screen and some insulation. Expanding insulation seals most small holes, and reinforcing your insulation with metal screen makes it even more effective.

3. Stock pesticides

In case insects infest your home, you should include pesticides in your stockpile. Make sure you store them closed and away from your food stores. Pesticides have a shelf life ranging from two to seven years so remember to check and rotate your inventory as needed every two years.

4. Brush up on nonchemical pest removal strategies

If you are in an emergency situation for more than seven years and all of your pesticides expire, you will have to rely on nonchemical pest removal strategies. To do that, make sure you have bait-holding mechanical traps for mice, ants and termites, and don't forget to invest in traps for larger pests as well.

5. View larger pests as windfalls

In the midst of an apocalyptic event, you may have to look at larger pests differently than you may do now. Currently, you have to check your local regulations regarding the trapping of animals for consumption or pest removal, but if civilisation and government have ceased to exist, these pests are fair game, literally.

If squirrels, rats, other rodents or small marsupials invade your home, you want traps on hand to catch and kill them. Ideally, you should learn to skin and cook animals as well so you are fully ready for anything.

For more tips, supplies or assistance, consult resources like Frontline Termite & Pest Control.